Outback Community Gardens!

Welcome to the Outback Community Gardens!

hands holding red and blue berries, green trees and students listening to a lectutre in an open outdoor classroom

The Outback farm is home to 61 garden plots that are used by students, campus groups, WWU faculty and staff, and individuals from our Bellingham community. If you’d like to explore growing your own garden, we have the tools, the know-how, and the support to help you succeed.

AS outback community plots map


How it works

There often is a short waitlist for garden plot assignments. Contact the Outback Communications Coordinator at as.outback.communications@wwu.edu to be given a plot or to add your name to the waitlist.

When a plot becomes available, you’ll be contacted by the Coordinator. You’ll need to fill out paperwork to get started, which can be downloaded here, printed out, and brought to the farm:


field surrounded by green trees on a sunny spring morning