The Fairhaven College Core Curriculum

The Fairhaven Interdisciplinary Core Curriculum replaces Western's General University Requirements for Fairhaven College students, regardless of choice of major.

Fairhaven's unique core program includes a series of courses designed to widen students' exposure to areas of study, to connections among disciplines and to interdisciplinary theory and practice. Its purpose is to help students become perceptive, probing learners who can ask questions and pursue answers with care and confidence. Skills in reading, writing, presentation and analysis are emphasized. Each course deals with methods of knowing and understanding, themes, modes of creativity and practical applications to be found in each area of study.

Liberal arts coursework in the "Exploratory Studies - Stage 1" sequence of the Core Curriculum has been carefully crafted as interdisciplinary foundational coursework. Additional courses in the Core foster skills for independent learning, support enhancement of college-level writing skills, advance the development of any major (Concentrated Studies - Stage 2) chosen by a Fairhaven student, provide opportunity for applied learning and promote reflection and evaluation of the educational experience (Advanced Studies - Stage 3).

Core classes are characterized by:

  • Collaborative seminar format
  • Small classes to encourage interaction (15-20 students)
  • Strong mentoring/advising
  • Thematic interdisciplinary studies mirroring the shape of complex issues
  • Instruction shared by Fairhaven faculty members adapting diverse themes of their disciplinary expertise to core studies

Curricular Stages

The Fairhaven College Core Curriculum is required of all Fairhaven students and has 3 curricular stages:

  1. Exploratory Studies,
  2. Concentrated Studies,
  3. Advanced Studies.

Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are waived for students transferring into Fairhaven College with a Direct Transfer Associate of Arts Degree (DTA- AA) from a Washington state community college.  Other students transferring coursework into Fairhaven College's program will receive individual transfer credit evaluations at the time of enrollment.


Course #Course TitleCredits
FAIR 101AAn Into to Interdisciplinary Studies (required in first quarter)1
FAIR 201ACritical & Reflective Inquiry (required in first quarter)5
FAIR 203A Social Relationships & Responsibility: Theories & Critiques (required in quarter one or two)5
FAIR 301AWriting & Transition Conference3
FAIR 202AHumanities and the Expressive Arts I*   5
FAIR 206AScience and Our Place on the Planet I* 5

Including one FAIR course in each of the following areas, courses at the 300 or 400 level:

Course #Course TitleCredits
FAIR 3/4XXHumanities and the Expressive Arts II*  4-5
FAIR 3/4XXSociety and the Individual II*4-5
FAIR 3/4XXScience and Our Place on the Planet II*   4-6


Option AWestern Major
  • this will include any required courses for the major, depending on the major
Option BFairhaven Interdisciplinary Concentration
  • this will include any courses included in the major by student and committee 
  • FAIR 303A, Concentration Seminar will be added as a Core requirement
  • FAIR 401A, Senior Project will be added as a Core requirement
Option CFairhaven Interdisciplinary Concentration: Law, Diversity, & Justice Emphasis
  • this will include any courses included in the major by student and committee 
  • FAIR 311B, US Legal System
  • FAIR 322K, Intro to Legal Analysis, Research, & Writing
  • FAIR 412E, Advanced Topics in Law OR FAIR 334F, International Law
  • FAIR 422K, Advanced Legal Writing & Analysis
  • FAIR 334C, International Human Rights OR FAIR 393B, Rights, Liberties & Justice
  • FAIR 303A, Concentration Seminar will be added as a Core requirement
  • FAIR 401A, Senior Project will be added as a Core requirement
Option D

Upside-Down Degree Program 

  • Graduates of Washington state 2- and 4-year colleges who hold the ATA, the AAS or other approved two-year technical degrees may apply to transfer their specializations to Fairhaven as the completed major.


Course #Course TitleCredits
FAIR 403AAdvanced Seminar (required of all Fairhaven students regardless of major, usually completed in the final quarter)4