Outback Special Events

Outback 50th Anniversary


 Save the Date! Get ready to celebrate 50 years in the Outback Farm this coming May 21-22, 2022. There will be music, an info fair, food vendors, a silent auction, classes, workshops, blues & brunch, and a singer/songwriter competition - and more!


Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer May 19, 2021

On a chilly fall morning a thoughtful looking person leans agaisnt a birch tree in the woods

We are honored to share two events with Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass, on May 19th. Students especially are invited to Dr. Kimmerer's 2pm virtual conversation about traditional foodways, methods of connecting environmental justice to social justice, and ecosystem restoration with members of the NWIC and WWU community.

At 4pm, we hope everyone will attend Dr. Kimmerer's virtual presentation called “The Honorable Harvest” followed by a Q&A session. She will illustrate ideas about reciprocity, gratitude, Indigenous legacies, and honoring the world we share.

This event is part of a speaker series about Food, Farming, Diversity, and Justice brought to you by the WWU Outback Farm in collaboration with the Environmental Justice speaker fund sponsored by the WWU Sustainability, Equity, and Justice Fund. Please share widely with our community!

Join Veggie Mijas on February 11 at 4:00 p.m. for a presentation called “Decolonizing Veganism: A Discussion on Hood Politics and Food Sovereignty.” Veggie Mijas is a collective of women of color/trans folks of color/gender non-conforming folks who are plant-based or are interested in a plant-based lifestyle. They are individuals who have experience as marginalized identities and with food insecurity and apartheid. The global majority have rich cultures teeming with solidarity through food and experiences with plant-based diets; it's high time we center the original voices of such action, and we are thrilled to hear from Veggie Mijas about how they are already doing so. This event is brought to you by the Outback Farm and the Environmental Justice Speakers Fund, granted by the SEJF.

ad for Veggie Mijas Decolonizing veganism


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