The Adventure Learning Grant
About the Adventure Learning Grant
The Adventure Learning Grant is a $25,000 stipend awarded annually to a few Fairhaven students so that they may travel abroad to enrich their education with intellectual risk, challenge, and adventure by traveling to a place of discomfort. The purpose of the Adventure Learning Grant is to challenge students’ perspectives, enrich their education, expose them to intellectual risk, and help embody challenge and adventure as integral to a Fairhaven education. Preference will be given to students who propose travel to the Global South. Prior international travel experience not required.
NOTE ON COVID19: These are unique times. We are planning to continue with the ALG recruitment and selection process despite our inability to know the status of future international travel. We ask that you think about the uncertainty of our future travel options when preparing and applying - in case this level of uncertainty precludes you applying.
We have a canvas page to share important information with ALG applicants, click on this link to join: ALG Canvas Page
The purpose of the Adventure Learning Grant is to challenge students perspectives, enrich their education, expose them to intellectual risk, and help embody challenge and adventure as integral to a Fairhaven education. The grants will enable Fairhaven students to have extended experiences with cultures outside of the United States and to integrate those experiences into Fairhaven College.
Applicants must be current students, enrolled in a least their second quarter at Fairhaven, have their concentration filed or major declared prior to departure, commit to living internationally for at least 10 months consecutively, and commit to returning to Fairhaven as a full-time student for three quarters (excluding summer) following the 10-month period of the Adventure Learning Grant.
Selection Criteria
- Creativity and ingenuity of proposed project
- Likelihood that proposed experience will challenge student's perspectives
- Extent to which culture(s) the student will experience differs from that of the United States
- Student's commitment to integrating the Adventure Learning experience into the Fairhaven community
- Probability that student will make full use of opportunities provided by the Adventure Learning Grant
- Student's awareness of the importance of learning respectfully from the people and culture(s) visited
Adventure Learning Grant (ALG) Information Sessions
- All info sessions for 2023-2024 academic year are finished.
There will be snacks, visits from former and current ALG recipients, and ample opportunity to learn more about the ALG application process and experience - and to have all of your questions answered.
Important Dates:
- January 7, 2025 Applications due
- January 8-9, 2025 Proposals read by Committee
- January 10, 2025 Announce finalists
- January 13 & 14, 2025 Interview Finalists
- January 15, 2025 Grant recipients announced
Expectations of Grant Recipients
- Use the two quarters prior to the Adventure Learning Grant experience to prepare to take full advantage of the opportunities provided by the grant.
- Pursue the proposed project with curiosity and enthusiasm, making changes in consultation with advisor and ALG Coordinator to take advantage of new opportunities.
- Participate in a program of regular communication with Fairhaven College so that other students can share in and learn from your experiences and insights.
- Submit final report of activities and financial accounting within 30 days of return.
- Return to Fairhaven for a minimum of three academic quarters and conduct a program (lectures, slideshow, performances, teaching a class, etc.) to share experience in depth with other students.
- Conduct oneself in a responsible manner and avoid all illegal activities during the grant period.
Please email Hilary Schwandt if you have any questions.
Hilary Schwandt for the meeting links.
Deadlines - 2024/2025
- Spring through December 2024: Preparation of applications; attend information and orientation sessions; solicitation of letters of recommendation
- January 7, 2025 Applications due
Information & Application Instructions
Current and Past ALG Students
2023-2024 ALG Students
Keegan Jack: Pilgrimage
Amanda Cooke: The Unseen Voices Project
Sophie McMahon: Bird with Toes
Carly Lloyd: Ecologies of Change
2022-2023 ALG Students
Wil and Jericho's website/blog
Kate Conway ALG Personal Statement
Leavitt ALG Personal Statement
2020-2021 & 2021-2022 ALG Students
Jordan Carey Adventure Learning Grant Application
Carey J. ALG Personal Statement
Bella's blog for her current ALG
Carlee Heger's Adventure Learning Grant Application
Fialaui'a Ester Lamositele's Blog:
(Koviki Remix-Stayin)Going Home: Reconnecting w/ Water, Land, Language, Culture and Soul2020/2021
2019-2020 ALG Students
Emma Owens A Country Divided: Examining Education in India 2019-2020
Gus Wimberger Foreign Aid: A Grounded Understanding of Non-profit Work in Bolivia
2018-2019 ALG Students
Sequoia Pullella-Barca: Colombia, Ecuador, and beyond. 2018-2019
Rachel Diego: Regional Food Heritage
Clare Casey: Personal Statement
Adventure Learning Grant Proposal
2015-2016 ALG Students
Kathryn Durning: Queer Migrant Experiences in Nicaragua and Costa Rica