Womanhood in the Making in Nepal: An Intergenerational Perspective Mira Mishra

Womanhood in the Making in Nepal: An Intergenerational Perspective “

Mira Mishra, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal


January 20, Noon-1:20pm, Fairhaven College Auditorium

This presentation seeks to explore changes in the lives of women in Nepal, including women’s self image, gender role and the relations between women and men during the last 50 years. Focusing on the transition in menstruation, a key dimension of womanhood, the presentation will relate this transition to the changing socio-economic processes. Women are resisting menstrual exclusion, marrying late, and having fewer children than ever before. The change is particularly rapid in the lives of women of the younger generation. Young women, irrespective of ethnicity, caste, class and region of residence are more informed, educated, have experienced a higher level of public exposure and assertive than their mothers and grandmothers. This has resulted in the weakening control of fathers and brothers over their daughters and sisters, thus weakening private patriarchy.


Speaker Name

Mira Mishra, Ph.D




Speaker Bio

Mira Mishra, Ph.D), Reader, Tribhuvan University, Central Department of Home Science and Women’s Studies, has written articles on women, gender and social change in Nepal. She has authored a number of gender manuals, co-authored a book on gender, and been published in national and international journals. Her recent work includes ‘Ethnicity and Ethnic Inequality: Recent Interpretations from Rural Nepal’ in Chaitanya Mishra (ed.) Ethnopolitical Change in Nepal. (Forthcoming in 2016.), and ‘Intergenerational Changes in Spouse Selection in Nepal.’ Forthcoming in edited book from Women’s Studies Department, Delhi University, India.