Tips for Writing self-evaluations

    •    Assume responsibility for your learning in the course. Be specific and detailed in
         all your comments.
    •    What did you expect to learn? What were your goals?
    •    What did you learn (subject matter, skills, ways of knowing and working)? What
          changes happened in your attitude, your confidence, your way of going about or
          looking at things?
    •    What did you take on? Be specific about your approach to regular assignments
          and to larger projects. What did you actually do in the course? Did you complete
          all assignments? If not, why not? Did you do more than was assigned? If so,
          what? And what did you accomplish with this extra work? What were the
          individual projects you did?
    •    Be specific about your attendance. Were you there? If not, how often, and why
          not? Did you support the community of learning in the classroom? Did you
          come to class prepared? If so, how consistent were you? How good did you find
          your preparation to be? Did you find ways to improve it during the term?
    •    What was your role in class discussion and/or other class activities? What did
          you do/not do to facilitate good discussion or other fruitful participation in
          activities? Were you prepared? Did you make specific note of your problems and
          questions and bring them to class to share them?
    •    If you had problems or difficulties with the way the class was working for you,
          did you bring those to the attention of the instructor so circumstances could
          improve? Did you do other things to face difficulty squarely? Did you avoid
          postponing finding a way through confusion, hang-up, procrastination, or
          disaffection with the work?
    •    Did you seek out help when you needed it? How hard did you work at doing
         routine assignments and/or special projects well? How successful were you?
         What did you do/not do to make your work as good as it could be?
    •   (The tough part) How well did you do? What were your strengths and
        weaknesses? What do you need to work on most? What new strengths or
        weaknesses did you discover?
    •    What’s next? Where do I (could I) I go from here?