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Biography Stan lived his earliest years near the confluences of the Blackfoot, the Clark Fork, and the Bitterroot Rivers, in a valley ringed with mountains marked by a succession of ancient lakeshores. He spent his youth living on the urban edges of the fire-charred, mud-sliding, smog-filled, dry and verdant hills of northeast L.A. He explored creative writing and literature at Whitworth College under a canopy of ponderosa pines. At the University of Iowa Stan studied American literature and culture and completed a dissertation on 19th-century Maine Woods narratives. Before coming to Fairhaven in 1997, he taught at St. Olaf College and Albertson College. Stan enjoys living on the edge of a hill, a short walk from the bay, in the shadow and watchful snowy eye of a volcano. At Fairhaven he teaches courses in American literature and culture, poetry, creative writing, punctuation, natural history, animal studies, maps, and walking. Interest Areas Animals, Nature, Maps, Walking, Poetry, Personal Essays, the Body, Creative Writing, Words, Space and Place, Childhood and Growing Up, Questions, Journal-keeping, Letter Writing, Mountains, Rivers, Identity, Wildness, Sports, Silence, Drawing, Women's Lives and Stories, Novels, Punctuation, American Indian Writers and History, Evolution, Geologic Time, Wild Berries, Katahdin, and the lives and writings of Henry Thoreau, Emily Dickinson, Pablo Neruda, and Walt Whitman. Selected Publications Father Nature: Fathers as Guides to the Natural World. Co-edited with Paul S. Piper. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press, American Landscape and Life Series, 2003. "Edwin Way Teale, 1899-1980." American Nature Writers. Vol. 2. Ed. John Elder. New York: Scribner's, 1996. 893-904. "Teaching the Geography of Hope." Weber Studies: Wilderness Special Issue11 (Fall 1994): 110-116. "Forest Life and Forest Trees: Thoreau and John S. Springer in the Maine Woods." ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 2.1 (Spring 1994): 77-84.