Period Pantry


close up of smiling person in blue shirt and red bandana

Period Pantry is a student-run, SEJF-funded grant that distributed over 250 boxes of reusable and disposable menstrual products to Western students. These products were distributed by volunteers at the Free Food Pop-Up Pantry from mid-September to early November of 2020. Period Pantry was a pilot project with two goals. First, it aimed to get high-quality menstrual products in students' hands for free, which felt especially pertinent because of the COVID-related financial crises that many students are experiencing right now. Second, it aimed to gather data about students' preferences regarding free menstrual health resources on campus. Haven Johansen, the grant's author, plans to further institutionalize menstruation equity at Western with the continued help of wonderful advisors, volunteers, students, and the SEJF team.

Here's some info about the Free Food Pop-Ups, which are happening throughout the fall.

period pantry products displayed on a table


Pop-Up Food Pantry program returns to campus for fall | Western Today

In response to the financial hardship imposed by the pandemic and the logistical challenge of campus buildings being closed, a team of Western staff, faculty, and students developed a pop-up pantry program last spring.