Midori Takagi
Biography Third generation Japanese American born in New York City ("yuggotta problem with that?"). Attended Oberlin College in Ohio and received an M.A. in history from American University in Washington D.C. and a Ph.D. in history from Columbia University in New York. In post-production for a documentary film on Asians in Hollywood films. Likes: New York pizza (Not New York STYLE, but New York); martial arts movies; dogs. Hates: bigotry. Interest Areas African American history, specializing in slave studies; Asian American studies; Ethnic Studies and immigration; Film studies. Selected Publications "Rearing Wolves to Our Destruction": Slavery in Richmond Virginia, 1782-1865 (1999) Virginia University Press. "Who's We Paleface?" Documentary Film, 2005 "Consuming the Orient": Images of Asians in White women's Beauty Magazines, 1900-1930" in Sharon Ullman and Kathleen Kennedy, eds,Sexual Borderlands and American Sexual Past, (2003), Ohio State University Press. Acknowledgements Associate Editor of the Ethnic Studies Review.