Dana Jack
Biography Dana C. Jack, Psychologist, earned her BA at Mount Holyoke College, her MSW at University of Washington, and her Ed.D. at Harvard University. Her main areas of research focus on women's depression and anger in the U.S. and internationally. Her four books have been translated into numerous languages. As a Fulbright Scholar to Nepal in 2001, she taught in a graduate women's studies program at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, and also completed research on gender and depression in Patan Mental Hospital and Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital. She was awarded WWU Olscamp Outstanding Researcher in 2002. In 2011, her book, Silencing the Self Across Cultures: Depression and Gender in the Social World (co-edited with Alisha Ali) was awarded the American Psychological Association, International Division award for the book “that makes the greatest contribution to psychology as an international discipline and profession.” In addition to research, Dana enjoys teaching at Fairhaven College in the areas of culture, gender and psyche! Dana Jack: Curriculum Vitae Interest Areas Dana's interests also include emerging research on brain plasticity, attachment theories, and culture's effect on symptom formation, specifically in eating disorders and depression. In addition, she has participated in the Mind and Life conferences and Summer Research Institute since 2003.. She was a Mind and Life Visiting Scholar at Amherst in Fall, 2013, examining selflessness and anatta. Her course on the Psychology of Mindfulness and Wellbeing, begun in 2007, includes first- and third-person methods of study, including mindfulness practice and the effects of meditation on the brain. She is an avid hiker, having trekked over 135 days in remote areas of Nepal; ocean kayaker; and traveler, including in Kenya, Madagascar, and Zambia as well as Asia, Central and South America. Selected Publications Silencing the Self Across Cultures: Depression and Gender in the Social World First Edition Edited by Dana C. Jack and Alisha Ali Oxford University Press, March 2010 This international volume offers new perspectives on social and psychological aspects of the complex dynamic of depression. The twenty-one contributors from thirteen countries - Australia, Canada, Finland, Germany, Haiti, India, Israel, Nepal, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Scotland, and the United States - represent contexts with very different histories, political and economic structures, and gender role disparities. Authors rely on Silencing the Self theory, which details the negative psychological effects when individuals silence themselves in close relationships and the importance of the social context in precipitating depression. Specific patterns of thought about how to achieve closeness in relationships (self-silencing schema) are known to predict depression. This book breaks new ground by demonstrating that the linkage of depressive symptoms with self-silencing occurs across a range of cultures. We offer a new view of gender differences in depression situated in the formation and consequences of self-silencing, including differing motivational aims, norms of masculinity and femininity, and the broader social context of gender inequality. Behind the Mask: Destruction and Creativity in Women's Aggression. Jack, Dana. Cambridge, Ma: Harvard University Press. November, 1999. Paperback, 2001. Translations: Chinese, (Simplified characters), 2001. North Literature and Art Press for People's Republic of China. Chinese, (complex characters), 2002. Hangzhong Publishing House of Taiwan. Reviewed in Contemporary Psychology, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Feminism Psychology, and others. Silencing the Self: Women and Depression Jack, Dana. Cambridge, Ma: Harvard University Press, 1991. Paperback, 1992, Harper Collins. Reviewed in the New York Times Book Review, The London Times Literary Supplement, Harvard Educational Review, Women's Review of Books, Choice, The Boston Globe, The New Republic, Medical Humanities Review, Transactional Analysis Journal, News for Women in Psychiatry, Contemporary Psychology, Mirabella, and numerous others. A Behavioral Sciences Book Club selection. Translations: German: 1993 Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich. Transl: Ilse Utz; French: 1993 Le Jour; Sogides. Transl: Marie Perron; Italian: 1996 La Tartaruga edizioni, Milano. Transl: Bianca Piazzese; Chinese 2000 Moral Vision and Professional Decisions: The Changing Values of Women & Men Lawyers. Jack, Dana. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Co-author, Rand Jack. Reviewed in the Nation, The New York Times, American Bar Association Journal, and numerous others. Reflections on the Silencing the Self: Scale and Its Origins Jack, Dana. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 35: 523 The online version of this article can be found at: http://pwq.sagepub.com/content/35/3/523 View article Overcoming Discrimination, Persecution, and Violence Against Women Jack, D. C., & Jill, A. (2013). Overcoming discrimination, persecution, and violence against women. In E.Mustakova-Possardt , M. Lyubansky, M. Basseches, & J. Oxenberg (Eds.). Toward a socially-responsible psychology for a global age. (pp. 207-229). New York: Springer. View article Introduction: Culture, Self-Silencing, and Depression: A Contextual-Relational Perspective Jack, D. C., & Ali, A. (2010). Chapter 1. Introduction: Culture, self-silencing and depression: A contextual-relational perspective. In D. C. Jack & A. Ali (Eds.). Silencing the Self Across Cultures: Depression and Gender in the Social World. New York: Oxford University Press. View article "I Don't Express My Feelings to Anyone": How Self-Silencing Relates to Gender and Depression in Nepal Jack, D. C., Pokharel, B., & Subba, U. (2010). Chapter 7. ‘I don’t express my feelings to anyone’: How self-silencing relates to gender and depression in Nepal. In D. C. Jack & A. Ali (Eds.). Silencing the Self Across Cultures: Depression and Gender in the Social World. New York: Oxford University Press. View article "Carrying the Burdens of Poverty, Parenting, and Addiction: Depression Symptoms and Self-Silencing Among Ethnically Diverse Women" Grant, T.M., Jack, D.C., Fitzpatrick, A., Jull, P., & Ernst, C.(2009). Carrying the burdens of poverty, parenting, and addiction: Depression symptoms and self-silencing among ethnically diverse women. Community Mental Health Journal, published October 16, online. DOI: 10.1007/s10597-009-9255-y, paginated journal publication to follow. Featured article on www.MDLinx.com. View article Researchers List: Publications Relying on the Silencing the Self Scale... View list "Self, Non-Self, and Silencing the Self: Dangers and Possibilities" Presentation delivered to the International Symposium of Contemplative Studies, October 30th through November 2nd, 2014, Boston, MA. View presentation (This is a PowerPoint presentation, so you will need the PowerPoint software to open it.)