The Holocaust



Course Number




Course Description

FAIR 334L/INTL 336/HGST 301: The Holocaust (5 credits).

Subject: This course is an interdisciplinary examination of the origins, course, and aftermath of the Nazi Holocaust. It situates the Holocaust within the context of World War II and the multiple genocides that occurred around the world in the twentieth century. The class traces the development of Nazism, and discusses the causes, progression, and development of the onslaught against the Jews and Nazi efforts to eliminate other groups across borders and nationalities deemed to be a threat to German racial superiority. The class will pay attention to the responses by Jews and other targeted groups, as well as survivor accounts (including the impact on children of the victims and perpetrators). It examines issues of memorialization, politicization, representation, and sacralization of the Nazi Holocaust.


FAIR 203A or INTL 201 or instructor permission.

Materials Fee


Required Texts

War and Genocide:  A Concise History of the Holocaust: by Bergen, Doris, (3rd ed., 2016) ISBN: 9781442242289



S/NX grading; narrative evaluation.

Evaluation will take account of regular attendance, evidence of critical reading, engagement in class discussion, the quality of short reactions, and two assignments. No more than two (2) missed classes during the quarter.


Winter 2024

Course Instructor(s)

Babafemi Akinrinade

Course Subject