Writing Practicum



Course Number




Course Description

This writing workshop will focus on long projects (a collection of stories, poems, novella or novel) in progress. During each in-class session we will workshop a student’s manuscript and offer line edits, revision suggestions, discussions, and additional reading recommendations. As part of your workshop you will be asked to give a presentation and a short reading of your manuscript in process, in turn you will offer your peers weekly feedback and close reading suggestions. At the end of the course you will provide a short reflection on your revision process and a plan for the completion of the project beyond the course. This practicum is designed for committed writers, who need peer support and time to proceed with a longstanding work. There will be some additional readings on form, process and revision practices as well as occasional guest lectures from published authors. Students have to be willing to read manuscripts of substantial length and make time for extended writing and revision of their own work. While the class ultimately does not require you to *finish* a manuscript, you will have to provide a comprehensive prospectus at the end of the quarter that details themes, additional readings, a timeline and writing constraints that will enable you to continue working in a committed manner on the proposed manuscript.


A prior course in creative writing is recommended

Materials Fee


Required Texts

Readings will focus on your peer's projects. Selected readings will be distributed through Canvas and in class.


Active participation during our in-class peer review sessions, timely submission of drafts and peer feedback, a synopsis, prospectus and reflection on your writing practice.

S/NX grading; narrative evaluation


Spring 2024

Course Instructor(s)

Yanara Friedland

Course Subject