Science and Our Place on the Planet: Theme - Forests and Sustainable Futures



Course Number




Course Description

Here in the Pacific Northwest we live amid one of the most spectacular forests on the planet. This course will explore the diverse ways that forests provide benefits for people and are essential to a sustainable future for humankind. We will draw on perspectives from ecology, natural history and environmental studies to examine the science of forestry and the key roles that forests play in mitigating climate change and supporting ecosystem health. Our investigations will also examine a variety of forest management approaches, including U.S. national forests, tribal and Indigenous forestry, agroforestry models, carbon sequestration approaches, and the forest certification movement. A big part of our focus will be field studies in Bellingham and Whatcom County, as we learn firsthand about the forest we call home.

Materials Fee


Required Texts

Required Texts: Northwest Trees, by Stephen Arno and Ramona Hammerly; The Hidden Forest, by John Luoma. Additional reading assignments on Canvas.


Credit/Evaluation: Regular attendance and informed contribution to discussions is essential. Evaluation will be based on each student’s grasp and understanding of the issues presented in the readings and field exercises. Students also will: 1) learn to identify common native Northwest trees and carry out a short natural history presentation of one tree species; 2) contribute to conducting and analyzing a forest inventory; and 3) research, present, and write up a case study of sustainable forest management or a key forest value.

S/NX grading, narrative evaluation


Fall 2024

Course Instructor(s)

John Tuxill

Course Subject