Social Relationships and Responsibility: Theme - Power



Course Number




Course Description

Course Description and Goals

This course is an introduction to modern social theory focusing on the theme of POWER.  By exploring the concept/resource of power, we will learn the various definitions of power, the theories concerning the sources of power, its application and the people who benefit and suffer because of power.  We will also explore how the so-called “powerless” survive and even challenge the powerful.  Unwittingly, you will become more familiar with and competent in critically reading texts, ideas, and competing theories.

Required Assignments

  1. Each student submits 5 definitions of Power to the Google Doc.
  2. 1 concept map
  3. Two (2) Short papers (2-3 pages).
  4. Two (2) Long papers (4-6 pages).
  5. Formal presentation on one of your long papers. These presentations will take place during week 10. Each presentation will be 7 minutes long PLUS 5 minutes for Q&A.  



Materials Fee


Required Texts


There are no texts to purchase. Everything is either on-line through Canvas or through established websites. We will be reading older works by Karl Marx and Machiavelli, along with “newer” seminal texts by Angela Davis, Patricia Hill Collins, bell hooks, Lorenzo Veracini, Dwanna McKay and Maya Mikdashi. 


Evaluation: Fairhaven College uses narrative evaluations not an A-F grading system.

Criteria for receiving credit for class

--Successful completion of all assignments (unless you have made arrangements with me prior to the end of the course)

--Preparedness for class discussions

--Participation in class discussions


--Quality and improvement in written work

--Timeliness of assignments

--Depth of analysis


Fall 2024

Course Instructor(s)

Midori Takagi

Course Subject