Dolores Calderon
Dolores Calderon is professor of Youth, Society, and Justice at Western Washington University's Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies. She is from the El Paso/Juarez border region where her family (Mexican & Tigua) have lived since the 1680s. Her research interests include coloniality/settler colonialisms, land education, and border issues as they manifest themselves in educational contexts. Some of her research projects include examining how settler colonial ideologies manifest themselves social studies curriculum, in teacher education, and teacher professional development. A research project she is excited on pursuing is examining how archives have been used to frame ideas of mestizaje. As a firm believer that theory is best illuminated by engagement, she values the work educators do to concretize critical perspectives. She has published in Qualitative Inquiry, Educational Studies, Environmental Education Research, Harvard Educational Review and Anthropology and Education Quarterly. She is also the co-author of Reclaiming the Multicultural Roots of U.S. Curriculum: Communities of Color and Official Knowledge in Education. She is affiliated with and teaches across multiple programs at Western including American Cultural Studies, Education and Social Justice, Law, Diversity and Justice and the Fairhaven College core. Some of the classes she teaches include Critical Indigenous Studies, Critical Pedagogy, Critical Race Theory in the Law, Comparative Cultural Studies, Research Methodologies, and Border theories and education.