ASWWU Student Senate Bylaws
ASWWU Student Senate By-Laws
November 19th, 2020
Name and Objectives
A. Name: The name of the council is the Associated Students Student Senate, hereafter known as the Student Senate.
B. Objectives
The purpose of the Student Senate is to serve as a legislative body in coordination with the AS Executive Board (ASEB) on relevant student issues and ensure representation from all students of Western Washington University. The Student Senate will be comprised of student senators representing the eight WWU Colleges on campus, and students at-large. The Student Senate will not be limited in the scope of issues it covers. Issues discussed by the Senate can originate from the ASEB, other Associated Students offices (AS), University committees, within the Senate itself, or directly from students. The Student Senate has the ability to draft, approve, and release resolutions on any issues brought before it. The Student Senate will also approve any changes to the charge and charter of the AS Election Board. Overall, the Student Senate will be part of a bicameral system in the AS, acting as a separate and equal-in-power body from the ASEB.
Membership Qualifications
A. Individual Membership
Any student currently enrolled in six or more credits for undergraduate students and four or more credits for graduate students at Western Washington University (WWU) is eligible for membership, assuming they maintain a 2.0 GPA.
B. Term of Office
Following election by their respective constituents, senators will serve a term of office until the end of finals week Spring Quarter. Senators will be elected during Fall Quarter for the current academic year and confirmed by the ASEB.
C. New Members New Student Senators will be elected by eligible voting members of the WWU student body. Student Senators will then be acknowledged by the ASEB two weeks or less after election results.
1. Any applicant for the Student Senate must fill out an application and submit it to the AS Program Coordinator, who will then work with the Office of Civic Engagement (OCE) Support Staff..
2. The Senate Pro-Tempore will consult the Assistant Director for Student Representation & Governance during the Student Senate confirmation process, in order to confirm eligibility.
D. Students are only eligible to represent a single college within their major(s) or declared pre-major(s); if students are pursuing majors in separate WWU Colleges, then Student Senators are expected to choose one. Student Senators may not represent minors, or multiple WWU Colleges.
Senate Leadership
A. Senate Pro-Tempore
The Senate Pro-Tempore may not vote on both the ASEB and the Student Senate concurrently. The Senate Pro-Tempore must fulfill all obligations of the Student Senate job description and the AS Election Code, available with the ASEB Program Assistant.
1. The duties of the Senate Pro-Tempore will be to;
a. Chair, facilitate, and create agendas for;
i. Student Senate
ii. Student Technology Fee Committee.
b. Work with the Student Senate Vice-Chair, unless vacant, to assign Committee and voting responsibilities.
c. By the second meeting, work to assign student senators to the following committees, including
but not limited to;
i. Academic Coordinating Commission.
ii. Academic Coordinating Commission Executive Board
iii. Academic Fee Committee
iv. Bottleneck Funding Request Committee
v. Career Services Center Advisory Board
vi. Center for Service Learning Advisory Board
vii. Committee on Undergraduate Education
viii. Enrollment Fee Funding Allocation Committee
ix. First Year Experience Advisory Committee
x. Scholars Week Steering Committee
xi. Student Technology Center Governing Board
xii. University Planning and Resource Council
xiii. University Planning and Resource Council Executive Board
xiv. Western Integrity Coalition
xv. Student & Activities Committee.
d. Serve as a recurring invitee on:
i. Faculty Senate.
ii. WWU Board of Trustees
e. Work to ensure the stewardship of student funds, in accordance with Associated Student goals and policies, by management of the following fund(s):
i. Academic Affairs (FXXSBR-ASBAAX).
B. Vice-Chair
The Vice-Chair may not serve concurrently as member of the ASEB.
1. The duties of the Vice-Chair will be to:
a. Perform the duties of the Senate Pro-Tempore in the absence of the Senate Pro-Tempore. While serving as the Senate Pro-Tempore, the Vice-Chair will not have voting privileges. If neither the Senate Pro-Tempore nor Vice- Chair is present, the meeting will be adjourned, and all items will be tabled.
b. Coordinate forums and other student outreach activities as needed or assigned by the Senate Pro-Tempore.
c. Assist the Senate Pro-Tempore with committee appointments, and committee scheduling as assigned.
d. Attend any meetings Student Senators are otherwise not able to attend if Student Senators have expressed in written notice to the Vice-Chair 24-48 hours prior to absence.
e. Serve as the interim Senate Pro-Tempore following a dismissal of the Senate Pro-Tempore. See Article 3, Section
2. The Vice-Chair will be nominated by any sitting Student Senator and will be seconded by any additional Student Senator. Any Student Senator may retain the choice to nominate themselves as Vice-Chair, should no other sitting Student Senator. The Vice-Chair will then be elected by a majority vote of the Student Senate. In the case of more than two candidates, the Vice-Chair will be elected by an instant runoff vote.
a. Elections will be a two-meeting process. Nominations will be held the first meeting and remain open until the next meeting. Student Senators will have the opportunity at the second meeting to speak to their abilities as thepotential Vice-Chair. Voting will be held the second meeting.
b. Each Senator has the ability to make one nomination.
c. Elections will be held any time there is a vacancy in the position of Vice-Chair. The two-meeting process will nbegin at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Student Senate.
d. Student Senators may decline the nomination for the Vice-Chair at their discretion.
C. Secretary
The Secretary of the Student Senate will be the AS Board Assistant for Academic Shared Governance.
1. The duties of the Secretary will be to :
a. Take and publish the minutes of the Student Senate.
b. Assist the Senate Pro-Tempore in maintaining parliamentary order.
c. Serve as an advisor to the Student Senate in all matters concerning parliamentary procedure.
d. Manage and organize the Student Senate documents.
e. Work with the Senate Pro-Tempore and the Vice-Chair bi-weekly to maintain communication between the ASEB and the Student Senate.
2. The Secretary of the Senate is a non-voting member.
D. Removal of Senate Leadership Positions
1. The Senate Pro-Tempore may be removed in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct & the AS Elections Code (available in the Personnel Office & with the AS Elections Coordinator).
a. If the Senate Pro-Tempore’s employment is terminated, they may refile for elections the following year.
b. If the Senate Pro-Tempore’s employment is terminated, See Article 3, Section E.
2. The Vice-Chair may be removed from their position by a two-thirds 2/3rd vote of the Student Senate. Such removal will not affect their status as a Senator.
E. Vacancy of the Senate Pro-Tempore
Should the position of Senate Pro-Tempore become vacant, the Vice-Chair will temporarily assume the duties of the Senate Pro- Tempore, until a new Senate Pro-Tempore is elected, in accordance with AS special election policies.
1. If the positions of the Senate Pro-Tempore and Vice-Chair will be vacant concurrently, the AS Assistant Director for
Student Representation and Governance will appoint a sitting Student Senator to temporarily assume the duties of the
Senate Pro-Tempore, until a new Senate Pro-Tempore is elected, in accordance with AS special election policies.
2. If the Senate Pro-Tempore is relieved from their positions before the conclusion of their responsibilities by winter or
spring quarter of the current Academic Year, the Student Senators vote with a 3/4th majority to either promote the Vice-
Chair to the Senate Pro-Tempore, or to hold a campus special election. This election will be in coordination with the AS OCE.
Senate Membership
A. Designations
1. 1 Senate Pro-Tempore to be elected in accordance with AS Election procedures.
2. Senators as follows:
a. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the College of Business and Economics.
b. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the College of Fine and Performing Arts.
c. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
d. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the College of Science and Engineering.
e. 2 Student Senators to represent students in Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies.
f. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the Graduate School.
g. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the Huxley College of the Environment.
h. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the Woodring College of Education.
i. 4 Student Senators to represent students yet to be declared in any specific WWU College, with no intent to declare in the current academic year.
3. The AS Board Assistant for Academic Shared Governance (non-voting member, serving as secretary).
4. The Assistant Director of Student Representation and Governance (non-voting, serving as advisor).
B. Vacancies
1. Vacancies will be filled in accordance with Article II, Section C.
2. In the event that no one is elected from one of the designated standings fisted in Article IV, Section A, then that position will remain open until appointed by the Senate Pro-Tempore, Vice-Chair, and the AS Board Assistant for Academic
Shared Governance and then confirmed with a 2/3rd vote of the Student Senate.
3. In the event that a Student Senator is relieved from their position, eligible voting members of the WWU community will be made aware of the vacancy by a formal announcement in the form of direct electronic communication, campus wide posting, or departmental distribution, etc. Applicants will then be reviewed in accordance with Article 4, Section B, and
Sub-Section 2.
C. Student Senator
A Senator may not serve concurrently as member of the ASEB. The student must be currently enrolled at WWU and have the correct college standing for the position to which they are seeking election. The student must commit time to Student 3 Senate business outside of bi-weekly Student Senate meetings (approximately 4 to 6 hours per week). Student Senators should have a strong interest in Western’s community and provide a unique perspective to the Student Senate and WWU as a whole.
1. The duties and responsibilities of a Student Senator will be to:
a. Attend all meetings of the Student Senate (see Article IV, Section D: Attendance).
b. Sit on 1 to 3 AS or University Committees as assigned by the Senate Pro-Tempore and Vice-Chair.
c. Serve as an active participant in all Student Senate meetings; come prepared having read appropriate minutes and documents as well as bringing finished Committee Reports from any assigned meetings since the last Student
Senate meeting.
d. Inform the Student Senate on campus and committee activities and other relevant information.
e. Submit necessary documents for presentation to the Student Senate, to the Senate Pro-Tempore within the
assigned deadline for Student Senate meetings
f. Help coordinate events as designated by the Senate Pro-Tempore, or the Vice-Chair.
g. Bring forward issues to the Student Senate that are of concern to the Senators College, or the WWU campus as
a whole.
h. Be accessible by direct and appropriate communication to meet with constituents as needed.
i. Follow any other duties as assigned by the Senate Pro-Tempore, or Vice-Chair, within reason.
j. Review and nominate student members for:
i. Academic Coordinating Commission.
ii. Academic Honesty Board.
iii. Academic Technology Committee.
iv. Excellence in Teaching Award Committee.
v. Faculty Outstanding Services Award Committee.
vi. Graduate Council.
vii. International Programs Advisory Committee.
viii. Learning Commons Advisory Board.
ix. Peter J. Elich Excellence in Teaching Award Committee.
x. Robert T. Kleinknecht Excellence in Teaching Award Committee.
xi. Senate Library Committee.
xii. Student Academic Grievance Board.
xiii. Student Technology Center Governing Board.
xiv. Student Technology Fee Committee.
xv. Teacher Curricula and Certification Council.
xvi. Any other committees, as needed or assigned by the Senate Pro-Tempore.
D. Attendance
Each Senator will be allowed two absences from a Student Senate meeting per quarter, and two absences from an assigned
Committee per quarter.
1. Following a third absence, the Student Senator must meet with the Senate Pro-Tempore and the Assistant Director
for Student Representation and Governance, and discuss appropriate consequences, including but not limited to;
a. Additional Committee assignments.
b. Reallocation of Student Senator Stipend.
c. Loss of voting privileges for one-cycle of a Student Senate meeting, to be completed immediately following
d. Recommendation of resignation from the Student Senate.
E. Removal
Any member of the Student Senate may be relieved from the Student Senate for violating any requirements set forth in these Bylaws, or per the AS Code of Conduct. The process of removal will be a two-meeting process.
1. To remove a Student Senator;
a. A Student Senator may be recommended for removal by 3/4th affirmative vote of the seated membership of
the Student Senate; the Student Senators will then have one-week deliberation.
b. At the beginning of the following meeting, the Senator in question will have approximately 5 minutes to
defend the claims against them. The Student Senate will then vote, and it will require a 3/4th vote to relieve
the Student Senator from their duties, as well as a 2/3rd vote of the ASEB.
c. Once a Senator is relieved of duties, it will be the responsibility of the seated members of the Student Senate
to assign 1/3rd of the Student Senate to draft an official resolution to be released by the conclusion of the
following Student Senate meeting on why the aforementioned Student Senator was relieved of duties.
d. The Senate Pro-Tempore and Vice-Chair will have the vacant Committee Assignments redistributed by the
following Student Senate meeting.
2. To remove the Student Senate Pro-Tempore;
a. An official motion will be filed by any Student Senator and will be brought to the attention of the Student
Senate. The removal process will be the same as it were for a Student Senator, with the exception of a special or urgent Student Senate meeting, to be chaired by the Vice-Chair.
b. This proceeding will require a 3/4* vote of seated membership, as well as a 2/3rd vote of the seated ASEB.
c. The vacancy of the Student Senate Pro-Tempore will be filled in accordance with Article 3, Section E of these By-Laws.
F. Quorum
Quorum of the Senate will consist of a simple majority of the voting membership. If a quorum is not present, the Senate Pro- Tempore will table all voting items for the Student Senate, until the next scheduled meeting.
A. Meetings
The Senate will hold bi-weekly (every other week) meetings, in consideration of other standing meeting times.
1. It is the discretion of the Senate Pro-Tempore and Vice-Chair to hold additional meetings as necessary, in the case of an urgent situation.
2. Meetings may be called by any member (voting or non-voting) when agreed upon by quorum of the seated voting membership, in written expression to the Senate Pro-Tempore.
3. All meetings conducted by the ASWWU Student Senate will adhere to the Open Public Meeting Act of Washington State, codified in 42.30 RCW.
B. Rescheduling of Meetings
1. If quorum is met, a simple majority of the Senate may reschedule meetings as needed. If quorum is not met, meetings may be rescheduled according to Article IV, Section F.
A. Voting
In order for an action item or resolution to pass, it must obtain a quorum of the eligible votes cast. An abstention by a Student Senator will not count as a vote cast in favor or against the action item or resolution being voted upon.
1. Voting may be done via electronic device, but only with prior approval of the Senate Pro-Tempore and Vice-Chair, and only under irregular or extreme circumstances.
2. Voting may not be done by proxy vote, and a student senator is the only one who may cast their vote for official ASWWU Student Senate business.
A. Committee Assignments
1. Each Senator will be appointed by the Senate Pro-Tempore and the Vice-Chair to sit on 1-3 committees within WWU and the AS governance structure.
a. These committees include, but are not limited to the:
i. Academic Coordinating Commission.
ii. Academic Coordinating Commission Executive Board
iii. Academic Fee Committee
iv. Bottleneck Funding Request Committee
v. Career Services Center Advisory Board
vi. Center for Service Learning Advisory Board
vii. Committee on Undergraduate Education
viii. Enrollment Fee Funding Allocation Committee
ix. First Year Experience Advisory Committee
x. Scholars Week Steering Committee
xi. Student Technology Center Governing Board
xii. University Planning and Resource Council
xiii. University Planning and Resource Council Executive Board
xiv. Western Integrity Coalition.
b. Student Senators are responsible for attending all assigned committee meetings and developing a report and
presenting it to the Student Senate on any items of interest and relevance that were presented, pursuant to Article
IV, Section C, and Number 1.
2. Student Senators may serve on additional committees not assigned to them by the Senate Pro-Tempore or the Vice- Chair but may not do so in their official capacity as an AS Student Senator, only as a private student.
3. The Student Senate retains the ability to create sub-committees as seen fit by the Senate Pro-Tempore and Vice- Chair, with a vote of 51% of seated membership in the affirmative of said committee creation.
A. Reportage
The Student Senate will not report to any other body but will provide a report to the Senate Pro-Tempore on request of the ASEB or the Western Washington University Board of Trustees, in the spirit of shared governance. However, the Student Senators themselves will report on their assigned committees or on the needs of their constituents to the entirety of the Student Senate at the scheduled meetings of the Student Senate.
B. Referral from the AS Executive Board
The ASEB may refer any matter to the Senate for its consideration, including application of personnel policies. Such referral should occur when the ASEB wishes to provide for greater student input or allow further time for public comment. The Senate may make recommendations to the ASEB, via the Senate Pro-Tempore.
C. Implementation of AS Elections Code Against the ASEB
Any Student Senator may choose to bring an item to the Student Senate in regard to any member of the ASEB or Student Senator directly defying or disobeying the AS Elections Code.
1. Such an item will require the immediate attention of the Student Senate, who will then create a sub-committee of the Student Senate with the guidance of the Senate Pro-Tempore to conduct an official investigation in coordination with the AS Personnel Office.
a. If found guilty of the aforementioned actions by the sub-committee, the accused member of the ASEB will
be subject to consequences at the discretion of the entirety of the Student Senate. b. These consequences are subject, but not limited to:
i. Issuing a formal apology against actors involved, to be approved by the Student Senate with a 51%
ii. A publicly written address to the student body of WWU, to be approved by a 51% vote of the
Student Senate.
iii. Loss of certain position privileges, to be determined in coordination with the Assistant Director for Student Representation and Governance and confirmed by a 51% of the Student Senate.
iv. Formal removal of the aforementioned party, to be enforced by the Assistant Director for Student Representation and Governance and the ASEB and confirmed with a 3/4th Student Senate vote.
Granted Authorities
A. Granted Authorities
The ASWWU Student Senate shall be granted the authority to fulfill its responsibilities within the provisions set forth herein and to act in any University-related matter not specified within the constraints of University regulations, policies, and procedures. In addition, the ASWWU Student Senate shall also have the following granted authorities:
1. To administer and appropriate monies allocated to the ASWWU by the Services and Activities Fee Committee to ensure continuous, safe, and efficient operations.
i. This administration will be done in coordination with the ASEB prior to each fiscal year, by both bodies electing 20 percent of their seated membership to a co-committee designated to AS budget needs.
2. To appoint student representatives to standing University committees, and other bodies upon request.
3. To be provided by the University Administration all information pertaining to the usage of student fee dollars.
4. To reserve the right to have a student chair, in consultation with the University President or designee, on all committees overseeing and appropriating mandatory and voluntary student fee dollars with the exception to the operating and building fees.
5. To employ students and staff in a manner consistent with those articles, regulations, policies, and procedures of the University and of the Associated Students Student Senate.
6. To allow the ASWWU Student Senate to make decisions in creating and overseeing a program of student activities and services. These decisions agreed upon by the ASWWU Student Senate may be reviewed by the University President or their designee.
7. To reserve the final right to confirm all elected members of the ASEB, pursuant to a simple majority of seated membership.
All Granted Authorities are subject to Amendment One, Section One under Article XI of the By-Laws
Books and Records
A. Records
The Student Senate will keep accurate records and minutes of its proceedings, and will keep a record of its seated membership, with the help of the Student Senate Secretary.
1. These minutes are to be made readily available to the public as soon as is possible, following approval by the Student
A. Amendments
The Student Senate will have the power to make, alter, and amend the Student Senate Charge and Charter or By-Laws by an affirmative vote of a 3/4th majority of the Student Senate, and approval by the University President.
B. Amendment One, Section One
The AS WWU Executive Board and the Western Washington University Board of Trustees shall review, and permanently establish the aforementioned Granted Authorities to the ASWWU Student Senate following a successful academic year of 7 2018-
2019, with consideration to an advisory vote of the Student Senate in favor of the Granted Authorities. To permanently establish the Granted Authorities in consideration to the future of the AS WWU Student Senate, the AS WWU Executive Board and the Western Washington University Board of Trustees will need a simple majority vote according to their Charge & Charter’s, respectively.
1. This vote will be held prior to the end of the 2018-2019 Academic Year.
ASWWU Student Senate By-Laws
November 19th, 2020
Name and Objectives
A. Name
The name of the council is the Associated Students Student Senate, hereafter known as the Student Senate.
B. Objectives
The purpose of the Student Senate is to serve as a legislative body in coordination with the AS Executive Board (ASEB) on relevant student issues and ensure representation from all students of Western Washington University. The Student Senate will be comprised of student senators representing the eight WWU Colleges on campus, and students at-large. The Student Senate will not be limited in the scope of issues it covers. Issues discussed by the Senate can originate from the ASEB, other Associated Students offices (AS), University committees, within the Senate itself, or directly from students. The Student Senate has the ability to draft, approve, and release resolutions on any issues brought before it. The Student Senate will also approve any changes to the charge and charter of the AS Election Board. Overall, the Student Senate will be part of a bicameral system in the AS, acting as a separate and equal-in-power body from the ASEB.
Membership Qualifications
A. Individual Membership
Any student currently enrolled in six or more credits for undergraduate students and four or more credits for graduate students at Western Washington University (WWU) is eligible for membership, assuming they maintain a 2.0 GPA.
B. Term of Office
Following election by their respective constituents, senators will serve a term of office until the end of finals week Spring Quarter. Senators will be elected during Fall Quarter for the current academic year and confirmed by the ASEB.
C. New Members New Student Senators will be elected by eligible voting members of the WWU student body. Student Senators will then be acknowledged by the ASEB two weeks or less after election results.
1. Any applicant for the Student Senate must fill out an application and submit it to the AS Program Coordinator, who will then work with the Office of Civic Engagement (OCE) Support Staff..
2. The Senate Pro-Tempore will consult the Assistant Director for Student Representation & Governance during the Student Senate confirmation process, in order to confirm eligibility.
D. Students are only eligible to represent a single college within their major(s) or declared pre-major(s); if students are pursuing majors in separate WWU Colleges, then Student Senators are expected to choose one. Student Senators may not represent minors, or multiple WWU Colleges.
Senate Leadership
A. Senate Pro-Tempore
The Senate Pro-Tempore may not vote on both the ASEB and the Student Senate concurrently. The Senate Pro-Tempore must fulfill all obligations of the Student Senate job description and the AS Election Code, available with the ASEB Program Assistant.
1. The duties of the Senate Pro-Tempore will be to;
a. Chair, facilitate, and create agendas for;
i. Student Senate
ii. Student Technology Fee Committee.
b. Work with the Student Senate Vice-Chair, unless vacant, to assign Committee and voting responsibilities.
c. By the second meeting, work to assign student senators to the following committees, including
but not limited to;
i. Academic Coordinating Commission.
ii. Academic Coordinating Commission Executive Board
iii. Academic Fee Committee
iv. Bottleneck Funding Request Committee
v. Career Services Center Advisory Board
vi. Center for Service Learning Advisory Board
vii. Committee on Undergraduate Education
viii. Enrollment Fee Funding Allocation Committee
ix. First Year Experience Advisory Committee
x. Scholars Week Steering Committee
xi. Student Technology Center Governing Board
xii. University Planning and Resource Council
xiii. University Planning and Resource Council Executive Board
xiv. Western Integrity Coalition
xv. Student & Activities Committee.
d. Serve as a recurring invitee on:
i. Faculty Senate.
ii. WWU Board of Trustees
e. Work to ensure the stewardship of student funds, in accordance with Associated Student goals and policies, by management of the following fund(s):
i. Academic Affairs (FXXSBR-ASBAAX).
B. Vice-Chair
The Vice-Chair may not serve concurrently as member of the ASEB.
1. The duties of the Vice-Chair will be to:
a. Perform the duties of the Senate Pro-Tempore in the absence of the Senate Pro-Tempore. While serving as the Senate Pro-Tempore, the Vice-Chair will not have voting privileges. If neither the Senate Pro-Tempore nor Vice- Chair is present, the meeting will be adjourned, and all items will be tabled.
b. Coordinate forums and other student outreach activities as needed or assigned by the Senate Pro-Tempore.
c. Assist the Senate Pro-Tempore with committee appointments, and committee scheduling as assigned.
d. Attend any meetings Student Senators are otherwise not able to attend if Student Senators have expressed in written notice to the Vice-Chair 24-48 hours prior to absence.
e. Serve as the interim Senate Pro-Tempore following a dismissal of the Senate Pro-Tempore. See Article 3, Section
2. The Vice-Chair will be nominated by any sitting Student Senator and will be seconded by any additional Student Senator. Any Student Senator may retain the choice to nominate themselves as Vice-Chair, should no other sitting Student Senator. The Vice-Chair will then be elected by a majority vote of the Student Senate. In the case of more than two candidates, the Vice-Chair will be elected by an instant runoff vote.
a. Elections will be a two-meeting process. Nominations will be held the first meeting and remain open until the next meeting. Student Senators will have the opportunity at the second meeting to speak to their abilities as thepotential Vice-Chair. Voting will be held the second meeting.
b. Each Senator has the ability to make one nomination.
c. Elections will be held any time there is a vacancy in the position of Vice-Chair. The two-meeting process will nbegin at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Student Senate.
d. Student Senators may decline the nomination for the Vice-Chair at their discretion.
C. Secretary
The Secretary of the Student Senate will be the AS Board Assistant for Academic Shared Governance.
1. The duties of the Secretary will be to :
a. Take and publish the minutes of the Student Senate.
b. Assist the Senate Pro-Tempore in maintaining parliamentary order.
c. Serve as an advisor to the Student Senate in all matters concerning parliamentary procedure.
d. Manage and organize the Student Senate documents.
e. Work with the Senate Pro-Tempore and the Vice-Chair bi-weekly to maintain communication between the ASEB and the Student Senate.
2. The Secretary of the Senate is a non-voting member.
D. Removal of Senate Leadership Positions
1. The Senate Pro-Tempore may be removed in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct & the AS Elections Code (available in the Personnel Office & with the AS Elections Coordinator).
a. If the Senate Pro-Tempore’s employment is terminated, they may refile for elections the following year.
b. If the Senate Pro-Tempore’s employment is terminated, See Article 3, Section E.
2. The Vice-Chair may be removed from their position by a two-thirds 2/3rd vote of the Student Senate. Such removal will not affect their status as a Senator.
E. Vacancy of the Senate Pro-Tempore
Should the position of Senate Pro-Tempore become vacant, the Vice-Chair will temporarily assume the duties of the Senate Pro- Tempore, until a new Senate Pro-Tempore is elected, in accordance with AS special election policies.
1. If the positions of the Senate Pro-Tempore and Vice-Chair will be vacant concurrently, the AS Assistant Director for
Student Representation and Governance will appoint a sitting Student Senator to temporarily assume the duties of the
Senate Pro-Tempore, until a new Senate Pro-Tempore is elected, in accordance with AS special election policies.
2. If the Senate Pro-Tempore is relieved from their positions before the conclusion of their responsibilities by winter or
spring quarter of the current Academic Year, the Student Senators vote with a 3/4th majority to either promote the Vice-
Chair to the Senate Pro-Tempore, or to hold a campus special election. This election will be in coordination with the AS
Senate Membership
A. Designations
1. 1 Senate Pro-Tempore to be elected in accordance with AS Election procedures.
2. Senators as follows:
a. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the College of Business and Economics.
b. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the College of Fine and Performing Arts.
c. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
d. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the College of Science and Engineering.
e. 2 Student Senators to represent students in Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies.
f. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the Graduate School.
g. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the Huxley College of the Environment.
h. 2 Student Senators to represent students in the Woodring College of Education.
i. 4 Student Senators to represent students yet to be declared in any specific WWU College, with no intent to declare in the current academic year.
3. The AS Board Assistant for Academic Shared Governance (non-voting member, serving as secretary).
4. The Assistant Director of Student Representation and Governance (non-voting, serving as advisor).
B. Vacancies
1. Vacancies will be filled in accordance with Article II, Section C.
2. In the event that no one is elected from one of the designated standings fisted in Article IV, Section A, then that position will remain open until appointed by the Senate Pro-Tempore, Vice-Chair, and the AS Board Assistant for Academic
Shared Governance and then confirmed with a 2/3rd vote of the Student Senate.
3. In the event that a Student Senator is relieved from their position, eligible voting members of the WWU community will be made aware of the vacancy by a formal announcement in the form of direct electronic communication, campus wide posting, or departmental distribution, etc. Applicants will then be reviewed in accordance with Article 4, Section B, and
Sub-Section 2.
C. Student Senator
A Senator may not serve concurrently as member of the ASEB. The student must be currently enrolled at WWU and have the correct college standing for the position to which they are seeking election. The student must commit time to Student 3 Senate business outside of bi-weekly Student Senate meetings (approximately 4 to 6 hours per week). Student Senators should have a strong interest in Western’s community and provide a unique perspective to the Student Senate and WWU as a whole.
1. The duties and responsibilities of a Student Senator will be to:
a. Attend all meetings of the Student Senate (see Article IV, Section D: Attendance).
b. Sit on 1 to 3 AS or University Committees as assigned by the Senate Pro-Tempore and Vice-Chair.
c. Serve as an active participant in all Student Senate meetings; come prepared having read appropriate minutes and documents as well as bringing finished Committee Reports from any assigned meetings since the last Student
Senate meeting.
d. Inform the Student Senate on campus and committee activities and other relevant information.
e. Submit necessary documents for presentation to the Student Senate, to the Senate Pro-Tempore within the
assigned deadline for Student Senate meetings
f. Help coordinate events as designated by the Senate Pro-Tempore, or the Vice-Chair.
g. Bring forward issues to the Student Senate that are of concern to the Senators College, or the WWU campus as
a whole.
h. Be accessible by direct and appropriate communication to meet with constituents as needed.
i. Follow any other duties as assigned by the Senate Pro-Tempore, or Vice-Chair, within reason.
j. Review and nominate student members for:
i. Academic Coordinating Commission.
ii. Academic Honesty Board.
iii. Academic Technology Committee.
iv. Excellence in Teaching Award Committee.
v. Faculty Outstanding Services Award Committee.
vi. Graduate Council.
vii. International Programs Advisory Committee.
viii. Learning Commons Advisory Board.
ix. Peter J. Elich Excellence in Teaching Award Committee.
x. Robert T. Kleinknecht Excellence in Teaching Award Committee.
xi. Senate Library Committee.
xii. Student Academic Grievance Board.
xiii. Student Technology Center Governing Board.
xiv. Student Technology Fee Committee.
xv. Teacher Curricula and Certification Council.
xvi. Any other committees, as needed or assigned by the Senate Pro-Tempore.
D. Attendance
Each Senator will be allowed two absences from a Student Senate meeting per quarter, and two absences from an assigned
Committee per quarter.
1. Following a third absence, the Student Senator must meet with the Senate Pro-Tempore and the Assistant Director
for Student Representation and Governance, and discuss appropriate consequences, including but not limited to;
a. Additional Committee assignments.
b. Reallocation of Student Senator Stipend.
c. Loss of voting privileges for one-cycle of a Student Senate meeting, to be completed immediately following
d. Recommendation of resignation from the Student Senate.
E. Removal
Any member of the Student Senate may be relieved from the Student Senate for violating any requirements set forth in these Bylaws, or per the AS Code of Conduct. The process of removal will be a two-meeting process.
1. To remove a Student Senator;
a. A Student Senator may be recommended for removal by 3/4th affirmative vote of the seated membership of
the Student Senate; the Student Senators will then have one-week deliberation.
b. At the beginning of the following meeting, the Senator in question will have approximately 5 minutes to
defend the claims against them. The Student Senate will then vote, and it will require a 3/4th vote to relieve
the Student Senator from their duties, as well as a 2/3rd vote of the ASEB.
c. Once a Senator is relieved of duties, it will be the responsibility of the seated members of the Student Senate
to assign 1/3rd of the Student Senate to draft an official resolution to be released by the conclusion of the
following Student Senate meeting on why the aforementioned Student Senator was relieved of duties.
d. The Senate Pro-Tempore and Vice-Chair will have the vacant Committee Assignments redistributed by the
following Student Senate meeting.
2. To remove the Student Senate Pro-Tempore;
a. An official motion will be filed by any Student Senator and will be brought to the attention of the Student
Senate. The removal process will be the same as it were for a Student Senator, with the exception of a special or urgent Student Senate meeting, to be chaired by the Vice-Chair.
b. This proceeding will require a 3/4* vote of seated membership, as well as a 2/3rd vote of the seated ASEB.
c. The vacancy of the Student Senate Pro-Tempore will be filled in accordance with Article 3, Section E of these By-Laws.
F. Quorum
Quorum of the Senate will consist of a simple majority of the voting membership. If a quorum is not present, the Senate Pro- Tempore will table all voting items for the Student Senate, until the next scheduled meeting.
A. Meetings
The Senate will hold bi-weekly (every other week) meetings, in consideration of other standing meeting times.
1. It is the discretion of the Senate Pro-Tempore and Vice-Chair to hold additional meetings as necessary, in the case of an urgent situation.
2. Meetings may be called by any member (voting or non-voting) when agreed upon by quorum of the seated voting membership, in written expression to the Senate Pro-Tempore.
3. All meetings conducted by the ASWWU Student Senate will adhere to the Open Public Meeting Act of Washington State, codified in 42.30 RCW.
B. Rescheduling of Meetings
1. If quorum is met, a simple majority of the Senate may reschedule meetings as needed. If quorum is not met, meetings may be rescheduled according to Article IV, Section F.
A. Voting
In order for an action item or resolution to pass, it must obtain a quorum of the eligible votes cast. An abstention by a Student Senator will not count as a vote cast in favor or against the action item or resolution being voted upon.
1. Voting may be done via electronic device, but only with prior approval of the Senate Pro-Tempore and Vice-Chair, and only under irregular or extreme circumstances.
2. Voting may not be done by proxy vote, and a student senator is the only one who may cast their vote for official ASWWU Student Senate business.
A. Committee Assignments
1. Each Senator will be appointed by the Senate Pro-Tempore and the Vice-Chair to sit on 1-3 committees within WWU and the AS governance structure.
a. These committees include, but are not limited to the:
i. Academic Coordinating Commission.
ii. Academic Coordinating Commission Executive Board
iii. Academic Fee Committee
iv. Bottleneck Funding Request Committee
v. Career Services Center Advisory Board
vi. Center for Service Learning Advisory Board
vii. Committee on Undergraduate Education
viii. Enrollment Fee Funding Allocation Committee
ix. First Year Experience Advisory Committee
x. Scholars Week Steering Committee
xi. Student Technology Center Governing Board
xii. University Planning and Resource Council
xiii. University Planning and Resource Council Executive Board
xiv. Western Integrity Coalition.
b. Student Senators are responsible for attending all assigned committee meetings and developing a report and
presenting it to the Student Senate on any items of interest and relevance that were presented, pursuant to Article
IV, Section C, and Number 1.
2. Student Senators may serve on additional committees not assigned to them by the Senate Pro-Tempore or the Vice- Chair but may not do so in their official capacity as an AS Student Senator, only as a private student.
3. The Student Senate retains the ability to create sub-committees as seen fit by the Senate Pro-Tempore and Vice- Chair, with a vote of 51% of seated membership in the affirmative of said committee creation.
A. Reportage
The Student Senate will not report to any other body but will provide a report to the Senate Pro-Tempore on request of the ASEB or the Western Washington University Board of Trustees, in the spirit of shared governance. However, the Student Senators themselves will report on their assigned committees or on the needs of their constituents to the entirety of the Student Senate at the scheduled meetings of the Student Senate.
B. Referral from the AS Executive Board
The ASEB may refer any matter to the Senate for its consideration, including application of personnel policies. Such referral should occur when the ASEB wishes to provide for greater student input or allow further time for public comment. The Senate may make recommendations to the ASEB, via the Senate Pro-Tempore.
C. Implementation of AS Elections Code Against the ASEB
Any Student Senator may choose to bring an item to the Student Senate in regard to any member of the ASEB or Student Senator directly defying or disobeying the AS Elections Code.
1. Such an item will require the immediate attention of the Student Senate, who will then create a sub-committee of the Student Senate with the guidance of the Senate Pro-Tempore to conduct an official investigation in coordination with the AS Personnel Office.
a. If found guilty of the aforementioned actions by the sub-committee, the accused member of the ASEB will
be subject to consequences at the discretion of the entirety of the Student Senate. b. These consequences are subject, but not limited to:
i. Issuing a formal apology against actors involved, to be approved by the Student Senate with a 51%
ii. A publicly written address to the student body of WWU, to be approved by a 51% vote of the
Student Senate.
iii. Loss of certain position privileges, to be determined in coordination with the Assistant Director for Student Representation and Governance and confirmed by a 51% of the Student Senate.
iv. Formal removal of the aforementioned party, to be enforced by the Assistant Director for Student Representation and Governance and the ASEB and confirmed with a 3/4th Student Senate vote.
Granted Authorities
A. Granted Authorities
The ASWWU Student Senate shall be granted the authority to fulfill its responsibilities within the provisions set forth herein and to act in any University-related matter not specified within the constraints of University regulations, policies, and procedures. In addition, the ASWWU Student Senate shall also have the following granted authorities:
1. To administer and appropriate monies allocated to the ASWWU by the Services and Activities Fee Committee to ensure continuous, safe, and efficient operations.
i. This administration will be done in coordination with the ASEB prior to each fiscal year, by both bodies electing 20 percent of their seated membership to a co-committee designated to AS budget needs.
2. To appoint student representatives to standing University committees, and other bodies upon request.
3. To be provided by the University Administration all information pertaining to the usage of student fee dollars.
4. To reserve the right to have a student chair, in consultation with the University President or designee, on all committees overseeing and appropriating mandatory and voluntary student fee dollars with the exception to the operating and building fees.
5. To employ students and staff in a manner consistent with those articles, regulations, policies, and procedures of the University and of the Associated Students Student Senate.
6. To allow the ASWWU Student Senate to make decisions in creating and overseeing a program of student activities and services. These decisions agreed upon by the ASWWU Student Senate may be reviewed by the University President or their designee.
7. To reserve the final right to confirm all elected members of the ASEB, pursuant to a simple majority of seated membership.
All Granted Authorities are subject to Amendment One, Section One under Article XI of the By-Laws
Books and Records
A. Records
The Student Senate will keep accurate records and minutes of its proceedings, and will keep a record of its seated membership, with the help of the Student Senate Secretary.
1. These minutes are to be made readily available to the public as soon as is possible, following approval by the Student
A. Amendments
The Student Senate will have the power to make, alter, and amend the Student Senate Charge and Charter or By-Laws by an affirmative vote of a 3/4th majority of the Student Senate, and approval by the University President.
B. Amendment One, Section One
The AS WWU Executive Board and the Western Washington University Board of Trustees shall review, and permanently establish the aforementioned Granted Authorities to the ASWWU Student Senate following a successful academic year of 7 2018-
2019, with consideration to an advisory vote of the Student Senate in favor of the Granted Authorities. To permanently establish the Granted Authorities in consideration to the future of the AS WWU Student Senate, the AS WWU Executive Board and the Western Washington University Board of Trustees will need a simple majority vote according to their Charge & Charter’s, respectively.
1. This vote will be held prior to the end of the 2018-2019 Academic Year.