Unchartered Distance: Performing In-Between Here and There


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Through performance and video works, Anida Yoeu Ali will present a body of work that provocatively considers the diasporic past and present contours of hybrid identities. Ali discusses the challenges of creating work as a diasporic artist whose experiences and privileges allow for perspectives that shift constantly between “insider/outsider” identities. Her latest performance, The Red Chador unapologetically steps directly into the global face of Islamophobia whether it’s on the streets of Paris after the Charlie Hebdo killings or on the collegiate U.S. playgrounds of wealthy Trump voters. She will speak to the difficulties of work perceived “controversial” and the challenges of a transnational collaborative practice with the goals of engaging an unsuspecting public on social issues. 


Anida Yoeu Ali




About the Speaker

Anida Yoeu Ali is an artist, educator and global agitator born in Cambodia, raised in Chicago, and transplanted to Tacoma. Ali’s multi-disciplinary practices include performance, installation, videos, images, public encounters, and political agitation. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach to artmaking, her installation and performance works investigate the artistic, spiritual, and political collisions of a hybrid transnational identity. Ali has performed and exhibited around the world from the Palais de Tokyo to the Shangri-La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture and Design. 

Currently Ali serves as an Artist-in-Residence at the University of Washington, Bothell where she teaches art, performance and global studies courses. Ali, a founding partner of Studio Revolt, spends much of her time traveling and working between the Asia-Pacific region and the US!