
Program of Study >

Contact Dr. Midori Takagi, Director of the American Cultural Studies program, for approval and more information about the American Cultural Studies major.

Individualized Program of Study

Initially, the student designs a formal program of study in consultation with a member of the American Cultural Studies faculty. The program is then approved by the Director of American Cultural Studies. No program of study may substantially duplicate an existing departmental or college program. Ordinarily, final approval of the course of study must be granted before senior status is reached.

The student may propose a broad, general program in American Cultural Studies, social science or education concentrations, or focus on one major aspect, for example: ethnic studies, sexuality, myth and folklore or Pacific Northwest Studies. However, a student-designed program of study does not duplicate an existing departmental or college program, and must include substantial upper-division work in at least two curricular units of the University. These may include Fairhaven or Huxley colleges.

The faculty recommends that students use a minor to develop special career interests of foci (see, for example, the Native American studies minor), or to develop additional depth in one of the traditional academic disciplines or programs of the University.