Fairhaven Asst. Prof. Regina Jefferies published in the Brooklyn Journal of International Law

The Brooklyn Journal of International Law is one of the leading international law journals in America and publishes the work of preeminent scholars, judges, and practitioners in the diverse field of international law.

The article is open access and available to read at:

Regina Jefferies, “Transnational Legal Process: An Evolving Theory and Methodology”, 46(2) Brooklyn Journal of International Law (2021).

Asst. Prof. Jefferies teaches in the Center for Law, Diversity and Justice at Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies. In Winter 2022, her courses include FAIR 393B Rights, Liberties and Justice in the US, and FAIR 412E Advanced Topics in Law: Immigration Law. In Spring 2022, she will teach FAIR 311B: The United States Legal System and FAIR 203A: Social Relationships & Responsibilities.