The Night


14044 & 14229

Course Number


Course Description

In this course, we will dedicate our writing practice to the wonders and horrors of the night. During the season of endarkenment, we orient towards the nocturnal imagination, which lets local and global reality permeate and reemerge in surreal, often frightful contours. Yet this imagination also holds potential for increased access to subconscious and unrealized insights, dreams, and gaps in the narrative. Writing through night vision can also provide a throughway to the unspeakable; language forms, time, and imagery that may not come forth as part of our diurnal logic. Our weekly engagements will include dream work, meditations, vigils, night pages and stargazing, as well as a variety of readings that offer further literary frameworks for the night's creative companionship.


FAIR 201A or instructor permission.


Winter 2023

Course Instructor(s)

Yanara Friedland