Intro to Legal Analysis, Research and Writing
Course Number
S/NX grading; narrative evaluation
Intro to Legal Analysis, Research & Writing is a 5 credit course that introduces students to legal reasoning, analysis, sources of law, legal research tools and methodologies, and effective oral and written communication. This course is taught as a series of simulation exercises meant to engage students with the practical realities of legal work, while building baseline skills and knowledge to prepare students for FAIR422k Advanced Legal Writing & Analysis. Students will work independently and in small teams to complete a variety of legal analysis, research and writing exercises, including a client letter, legal memo, and oral advocacy project. Students will develop the ability to locate, analyze and persuasively use primary and secondary legal sources to solve legal problems and advocate for legal solutions. Much of the work in this course is similar to the work undertaken in law firms, courts, government agencies and advocacy organizations.
FAIR 201A and FAIR 203A; or instructor permission.
S/U grading