Multicultural Psychology



Course Number


Course Description

Description: Multicultural Psychology is a field that seeks to understand how variability among different cultural groups within the U.S. can offer insight into viable models of everyday experiences. We will explore how multiculturalism is viewed within psychology and how it impacts both research and applied aspects in the field. Historically, multicultural psychology has had a primary focus on racial identity within the U.S. context; however, there is increasing need to understand how social identities exist in relation to one another. As such, we will examine the intersections between race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, ability, and other social/marginalized group memberships.

We will be examining questions such as: What is multiculturalism and what does it take to define something as "multicultural"? How does someone's intention factor in when considering the impact of their actions? What are possible impacts of stereotypes on academics, employment, and parenting? In addition, we will explore differences in worldviews (e.g., individualism v. collectivism), means of communication, cultural identity development, and critiques of the field. Emphasis will be placed on empirical research and psychological theory, aimed at helping you develop ways to apply and discuss these theories as they relate to real-word examples and events.

Required Text: Tatum, B. D. (2017). Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? And other conversations about race (2nd ed). Basic Books: New York. PARA Optional Text: Mio, J., Barker, L., Domenech-Rodriguez, M., & Gonzalez, J. (Eds.). (2019). Multicultural psychology: Understanding our diverse communities (5th ed.). Oxford University Press. Additional readings will be uploaded to Canvas

Credit/Evaluation: Evaluation will include regular attendance; active and engaged participation in class discussions; facilitating discussion about an assigned article; 2 reflective papers; and a final literature review about a topic related to multicultural psychology.


FAIR 203A or equivalent or instructor permission.


Fall 2022

Course Instructor(s)

Kevin Delucio