Folk Music Experience



Course Number


Course Description

Theme: 50 Years of Fairhaven Music In this pandemic version of the Folk Music Experience we will be entertained and taught by the musicians whose careers started or were furthered while students at Fairhaven College and WWU. These musicians, who span the years from the 1970's to the current decade, and also span a wide range of genres, will perform a concert at our Thursday evening class meetings. On the following Tuesday we will sometimes be visited by the musicians and will hear the stories of how their music careers got started and developed over time. We will also study the both the genre the musicians belong to and how their music relates to what was happening in society at the time they launched their careers. On at least one of the quarter's Thursdays we will host an open mike and students will get the chance (optional) to perform songs for the rest of the class on Tuesdays. This class is designed to be a de-stressor, not a stressor, so sign up and have some fun with us winter 2021, and learn some stuff too! Texts: Texts will change from quarter to quarter. For this quarter, all readings will be on-line or in Canvas. Credit/Evaluation: Regular attendance and informed participation in class discussions.





Winter 2021

Course Instructor(s)

John Bower