2024 Winter Quarter World Issues Forum
January 24 2024
World Issues 01/31/2024
Wednesday 12:00 - 1:20, Fairhaven College Auditorium FA 300A&B
World Issues 02/07/2024
Wednesday 12:00 - 1:20, Fairhaven College Auditorium FA 300A&B
Jeanine Ntihirageza, Northeastern Illinois University.
Commonalities and Differences between the Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda and the Genocide against Hutu in Burundi.
World Issues 02/21/2024
Wednesday 12:00 - 1:20, Fairhaven College Auditorium FA 300A&B
Vernon Damani Johnson, Retired Professor of Political Science (WWU)
South Africa Today: 30 Years after the end of Apartheid
World Issues 02/28/2024
Wednesday 12:00 - 1:20, Fairhaven College Auditorium FA 300A&B
*Unfortunately this talk has been postponed until the Fall 2024 World Issues Forum speaker series.*
Karam Dana, Alyson McGregor Distinguished Professor of Excellence and Transformative Research, University of Washington, Bothell.
Transnational Palestinian Solidarity in the United States/ The Power of Palestine: Transnationalism and the Evolution of Solidarity in the US
World Issues 03/06/2024
Wednesday 12:00 - 1:20, Fairhaven College Auditorium FA 300A&B
Brian McKenna, Global Health Consultant